Author Archives: Alex

Acid & Alkaline Balance

good v bad good

The balance of acid and alkaline foods is important for the maintenance of good health. The body is ideally balanced when pH is 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly alkaline. The body needs to be slightly alkaline to perform effectively, so foods should be selected accordingly. However, it is important to understand that the important […]

PRUNES – Cleansing and Protective properties

prunes in a bowl

Introduction From the ‘Dispensary of the United States, 1907. “Prunes are laxative and nutritious…imparting their laxative properties to boiling water, they serve as a pleasant and useful addition to purgative decoctions. Their pulp is used in the preparation of laxative confections. Too largely taken they are apt to occasion flatulence, griping and indigestion.”   A little History of the […]

Good Health and Magnesium


Around 99% of the magnesium in our body works within cells, with over 60% deposited in our bones. 20% of it maintains proper muscle function and it is a beneficial metabolite. Magnesium mobilises helps to remove toxins from within cells. In fact, it is required for over 300 important enzyme systems to regulate biological functions. […]

Anti-Oxidants – Beneficial Nutrients – When Obtained from Food


We’ve all heard how beneficial antioxidants are for our health. But did you know that they’re much more effective when you obtain them from real foods instead of chemical substances? Food state anti-oxidants are rather like concentrated food anti-oxidants. Antioxidants from chemical sources like other commercially produced supplements are a bit of a grey area. […]

Beetroot and its Magical Properties


Surprisingly, there are many health benefits that come from the humble vegetable of beetroot! In fact, most people are unaware of the many beneficial and powerful nutrients that are found in beetroot. Did you know that over 25% of the world’s sugar production is actually sourced from beets? While the history of beetroot is fascinating, […]

Omega-3 – The Benefits.

Fish - Omega 3 supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids are a collection of polyunsaturated fatty acids. You may have seen them- eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), found in fish, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Unlike the saturated fats in foods like butter and meat, which can raise levels of unhealthy cholesterol, polyunsaturated fats are healthier because they help lower cholesterol […]